Registration Form

Note: This phone no. and e-mail address is compulsory for future references and for login process. Duplicate e-mail address for registration is not allowed

Upload passport size photograph of the child (only .jpg or jpeg file) (Below 50 KB)

     Personal Details of Student

ST Children
Children belonging to PVTG communities
Children belonging to DNT/NT/SNT community
Children who have lost their parents to LWE/insurgencies/Covid
Children of widows
Children of Divyang parent, others e.g. Land donor, orphan child etc
Land donor

Abbreviation :

1.EMRS-Eklavya Model Residential School
2.ST-Schedule Tribe
3.PVTG-Particularly Vulnerable Tribe Group
4.DNT-Denotified Tribes
5.NT-Nomadic Tribes
6.SNT-Semi-Nomadic Tribes
7.LWE-Left Wing Extremism
8.CES-Centre of Excellence for Sports


   Personal Details of Parents/Guardian

   Address/Residential details of Parents/Guardian

Present Address *

Permanent Address *

Check this if Present Address and Permanent Address are the same.
Upload Address proof/Residential ID
(Ration card/Voter ID/Aadhar card/Driving License/PRC/Passport, etc.)

(only .pdf file) (Below 500 KB)

   Occupation of Parents/Guardian

Select Annual Income Slab  *        Click here if your annual income is 5 Lakhs or below 5 lakhs.

   Choose School (for Admission)

   Dropout/Rusticated details of students


        By clicking this checkbox, I hereby declare that the information submitted herein are true and correct. I understand that in the event of particulars or information given herein being found false or incorrect, candidature of my child is liable to be rejected or cancelled.